

β€œThe primary role of the altar server is to assist the priest in the celebration of the liturgy during Mass. This is done through specific actions and by setting an example to the congregation by active participation in the liturgy by their actions, singing of hymns, responses of the people, looking alert and sitting or standing at the appropriate times.”

(Altar Server Manual, Saint Peter the Apostle Roman Catholic Church)


Service at the Altar is open to those who:

  • are in at least 3rd grade.

  • have parents/family who are registered parishioners of St. Mary Magdalen/St. John Mission or the child attends the parish school.

  • have received First Holy Communion.


Three training opportunities are currently scheduled for Fall of 2022:

  • Thursday, October 20th at 3:00pm is training Acolytes, a role carried out by boys and men aged 7th grade and up.

  • Wednesday, October 26th at 2:00pm will cover the role of Altar Server, open to boys and girls in 3rd to 7th grades.

  • Thursday, October 27th at 3:00pm will be the training for Crucifers (cross-bearers), a role performed by girls 7th grade or older.

Fr. Olson and Maxim, our P.A. for Liturgy, will lead these trainings in the Church building. Please arrive on time; there is a lot to cover!

Have any questions?
Reach out to Deacon Nguyen!