Directory of Groups & Communities
We must consider how to rouse one another to love and good works. We should not stay away from our assembly…but encourage one another, and this all the more as you see the Day drawing near. (Hebrews 10:24-25).
We are a united community — part of why this is so special is the large number of cultural groups, ministries, and apostolates that compose it.
This page contains volunteer contacts for various ministries and groups in our parish; click here for contact info for staff-related ministries & programs.
Ethnic Community Leaders
Group Links
SMM Ministry Contacts
Adult Bible Study
Mark Edson
Altar Servers (ENG/VT)
Deacon Phuoc Nguyen
Altar Servers (Español)
Maricela Calle
Altar Society
Charlene Osborn
American Heritage Girls
Bridget Simmons
Catholic Daughters of the Americas
Bernie Houghton
Choir (English)
Carrie Wright
Choir (Filipino)
Lita Consolacion
Choir (Hispanic)
Onorio Torres
Church Cleaning
Charlene Osborn
Coffee & Donuts
Michelle McIntyre
Communion Linens
Charlene Osborn
Communion to the Homebound
Tania Gutierrez
Cub/Boy Scouts
Eric Savoy
Eucharistic Adoration
See link below
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (Mass)
Charlene Osborn
Finance Council (SMM Parish)
Mike Simmons
Floral Ministry
Dawn Bingaman
Jose Manuel Delgado
Hispanic Prayer Group
Rafael Robles
Irish Soccer
Mike Simmons
Knights of Columbus
Ron Enneking, Grand Knight
Memento Mori Ministry
Parish Nurses
Nocturnal Adoration Society (SMM)
Agustin Lopez
Prepares Pregnancy Aid
Dawn Bingaman
Parish Council (SMM)
Ace Consolacion
Parish Library
Maxim Farrell
Readers/Lectors (ENG)
Mark Cavelero
Readers/Lectors (ESP)
Carolina Torres
Readers/Lectors (VT)
Sr. Theresa Kim Hanh
Respect Life Ministry
Dawn Bingaman
Rosary Makers
Mary Reed
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Jose Ramos
Sacristans (ENG)
Maxim Farrell
Sacristans (ESP)
Rafael Robles
Sacristans (VT)
Sr. Theresa Kim Hanh
Ushers (ESP)
Eusebio Ortiz
Ushers (ENG)
Lani Jorge
Ushers (VT)
Sr. Theresa Kim Hanh
Serra Club of Everett
Sue Rivord
TNTT (Vietnamese Youth Group)
TuAnh Nguyen
Vietnamese Language Class
Jason Nguyen
WAVES Grief Support
Parish Nurses
Young Adult Ministry
Emily Curran
SJM Ministry Contacts
Altar Servers
Maxim Farrell
Choir (SJM)
Lita Consolacion
Church Cleaning
Mike Ankrom
Church Decorating
Patti Cox
Communion to the Homebound
Tania Gutierrez
Eucharistic Adoration
See link below
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (Mass)
Maxim Farrell
Maintenance Committee
Ken Pierson
Memento Mori Ministry
Parish Nurses
Men's Club
Ken Pierson
Pastoral Council (SJM)
Mike Ankrom
Terry Cox
Terri Cox
John Stevens
Women's Guild
Ellen Myers
School Administration, Activities, and Commission:
Dr. Bernadine Mahar, Principal, Ed.D bmahar@stmarym.org — 425.353.7559, ext. 100
School SCRIP
Amanda Greenfield
CYO Athletics
Houston Schmutz, PE Coach
Parents Club
Lisa Morales, president