Saint John is located at 829 3rd Street, in Mukilteo
Sunday Mass is offered at 9:00am
Eucharistic Adoration takes place on Tuesdays from 3pm-5pm
Saint John Mission
Founded in 1919, Saint John’s has been the Catholic mission to the town and people of Mukilteo, WA for over a century: celebrating the Sacraments, proclaiming the Gospel, and serving the community in the Faith of Jesus Christ.
SJM Ministry Contacts
Altar Servers
Maxim Farrell
Choir (SJM)
Lita Consolacion
Church Cleaning
Mike Ankrom
Church Decorating
Patti Cox
Communion to the Homebound
Adriana Madero
Eucharistic Adoration
See link below
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (Mass)
Maxim Farrell
Maintenance Committee
Ken Pierson
Memento Mori Ministry
Parish Nurses
Men's Club
Ken Pierson
Pastoral Council (SJM)
Mike Ankrom
Terry Cox
Terri Cox
John Stevens
Women's Guild
Ellen Myers
Celebrating a Century