
Lent, Holy Week,
& the Sacred Triduum


Every Week at SMM Church from 8am Thursday to 7:30am Friday

Every Tuesday at Saint John from 3 to 5pm

24/7 in the SMM Chapel
Learn more here.

Stations of the Cross

Every Friday throughout the Lenten Season

Parish Stations
Every Week — 7pm

Living Stations
March 29 — 11am

School Stations

except Feb 16 & Mar 8 — 2:15pm


at 6pm

Saturdays (thru March 23rd)
at 8am + 3:30pm

Holy Saturday
(March 30) at 3:30pm

All Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence, on which those aged 14+ are obliged to abstain from eating meat.

Ash Wednesday (February 14th) and Good Friday (March 29th) are days of fasting, on which those 18-59 are obliged to observe the fast, which allows one full meal and two smaller meals which, when added together, would not equal a full meal.

For medical or other serious reasons, these obligations may be waived. Children are not required to fast, but their parents are bound to ensure they are educated in the practice of fasting

Almsgiving Opportunities

Rice Bowl Collection

Rice Bowl donations go to the needy who are in our community and overseas. Rice Bowl boxes are available for you to take home following Mass beginning February 4. Please take a box home and make a true effort to offer sacrifices for and with our less fortunate brothers and sisters by fasting, praying and donating to this collection. More information on the Rice Bowl program is printed on the Rice Bowl box. Please return your Rice Bowl offerings by Palm Sunday. Ushers can collect your Rice Bowl offering or you may take your offering to the Parish Office during business hours.

Good Friday Collection for the Holy Land

This is a collection taken up as we leave the church in silence following the Good Friday liturgy at 7pm. These donations go towards upkeep of the shrines in the Holy Land and are a very necessary part of helping to ensure sacred places in far off lands are maintained properly. Look for a "Good Friday" envelope in your monthly sacrificial giving packet for this collection.

PREPARES Clothing + Accessories Drive

PREPARES is holding a children’s clothing & accessories donation drive. Prepares is a statewide initiative of the Catholic Bishops of Washington State to support and affirm families of children from birth to the fifth year. We have cribs in the church vestibule from March 18 through March 26 to accept donations of items for children from 0 - 5 years. Items needed include diapers (Sizes newborn to 5), wipes, socks, pajamas or sleepers, baby bottles, bathing & hygiene needs, blankets, bibs, pacifiers, "stuffies", infant rattles. Please bring new items to place in the cribs in the vestibule.

Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Our parish-based St. Vincent de Paul Society provides for those in need: monthly food baskets, clothing and furniture vouchers, bus tickets, prescription help, car repair assistance, utility bill payments, and rental assistance. To donate, parishioners can use the special envelope provided in their monthly packet or by selecting “St. Vincent de Paul” when donating online through the parish website.

Liturgies of Holy Week 2024

  • Regular Sunday Mass Schedule
    Mass begins with the Procession of Palms
    at 10am (English) and 12pm (Spanish) Liturgies

  • Regular Daily Mass Schedule

  • 8am: Morning Prayer (Lauds)
    Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper
    with the Rites of Receiving the Oils and Washing of the Feet

  • 8am: Morning Prayer (Lauds)
    11am: Living Stations (SMM Students)
    3pm: Stations of the Cross (Parish)
    7pm: Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion
    with the Chanting of the Passion Narrative and Veneration of the Holy Cross

  • 8am: Morning Prayer (Lauds)
    8:30pm: The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night
    with the Celebration of the Rites of Christian Initiation

  • Regular Sunday Mass Schedule
    except no 4:30pm Mass