Baptism of Infants & Children
“Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit…and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission…” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1213)
Haga clic aquí para obtener información sobre el bautismo en español
Baptisms are celebrated about twice a month in our parish; once each in English and Spanish.
The general requirements for a child to be baptized are:
Parents (guardians) make the request for Baptism for their child under the age of 7.
Parents (guardians) be registered parishioners of St. Mary Magdalen/St. John Mission.
Godparents be practicing and confirmed Catholics in good standing. (See next section for details.)
Parents and godparents complete formation for the Sacrament — usually, the Baptism Class offered at our parish or another Catholic Church.
Contact Sr. Hanh, P.A. for Vietnamese Ministry for info about Baptism in Vietnamese.
Sponsors (or “godparents”) are tasked with helping the newly-baptized on the road of the Christian life and bear responsibility for helping to build-up and protect the grace given in Baptism. (cf. CCC, 1255). Because they play this very special spiritual role in your child's life, the Church holds that they must be a fully-initiated Catholic, who is over the age of 16; has received Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation; and leads a life of faith according to the teachings of the Catholic Church.
The First Step
To begin preparation for Baptism, complete the registration packet.
The first pages of this document contain detailed information about the requirements for parents and godparents, as well as some background regarding the Sacrament.
The next pages with forms are for the parents to fill out; after that, there is a page of information for godparents/sponsors, as well as a form for them to fill out.
Baptisms are not scheduled until all paperwork is completed.
Once Paperwork is Complete…
Once you’ve completed the packet, assembled all necessary paperwork, and attended a class, please schedule a short appointment with the PA for Adult Faith Formation to review the material and confirm the date for your child(ren)’s baptism!
Baptisms will not be scheduled until all paperwork is complete.