Sponsors for the Sacrament of Baptism

Who can be a Sponsor/Godparent?

Sponsors are tasked with helping the newly-baptized on the road of the Christian life and bear responsibility for helping to build-up and protect the grace given in Baptism. (cf. CCC, 1255).

Because they play this very special spiritual role in your child's life, the Church holds that they must be a fully-initiated Catholic, who is over the age of 16; has received Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation; and leads a life of faith according to the teachings of the Catholic Church.

Sponsors must lead a life of faith according to the teachings of the Catholic Church.

When considering godparents for your child, ask yourself:
Who will help my child on the path to holiness to become a saint?

What does it mean to lead a life of faith according to the teachings of the Catholic Church? A few things to consider…

Marital Status

  • A single Catholic is called to live a life of chastity. Cohabitation with an unwed partner, for example, violates Christian belief about the Sanctity of Marriage; single Catholics who are cohabitating cannot be godparents.

  • A baptized Catholic is obligated to be married in the Church. Civil marriage is not recognized in the eyes of the Church. If you have a civil marriage, you can have your marriage con-validated in the church. Until your marriage is convalidated, Catholics who are only civilly married cannot be godparents.

    • Those who would like to begin the process of having their marriage con-validated by/in the Church are invited to schedule an appointment with our pastor via Michelle McIntyre, ext. 119 (email).

What it means to be a practicing Catholic:

The Precepts of the Catholic Church, found in the Catechism, 2041-2043, present the minimum requirements to be considered a practicing Catholic. These practices are the basic spiritual needs for us to live a life of faith:

  • Attend Mass on Sundays and on holy days of obligation

  • approach the Sacrament of Confession at least once a year

  • Receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist at least during the liturgical season of Easter

  • Observe the Church’s days of fasting and abstinence from meat

  • Help provide for the needs of the Church (tithe in time, talent, and/or treasure)

In short…

Godparents must be Catholics who regularly participate in the life of the Church via the Sacraments and live their life in accord with the dignity of their own Baptism with respect to marriage, family life, moral conduct, and service of neighbor.